Saturday, March 28, 2009

How did soldiers get treated from tuberculosis during the civil war

How did soldiers get treated from tuberculosis during the civil war?

Military - 4 Answers
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good question..let me know if you get the answer
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A mixture of mercury and chalk called blue powder was given to soldiers with intestinal complaints. Opium, morphine, and quinine were also used by camp doctors and nurses to deal with a wide variety of different medical problems. It was commonly believed that wearing a flannel bans around the waist under the shirt would prevent disease. Large numbers of soldiers died from tuberculosis (consumption). Official records show 6,497 soldiers died of the disease in the Union Army. However, a much larger number were discharged because of poor health and died later. Whiskey, turpentine & mustard plasters were also commonly administered.
3 :
I'm not sure ,tuberculosis was something to do with straning of the neck. Or so Wikipedia says. Check Search Engines?
4 :
TB in that day was treated with a variety of things. All kinds of backwoods remedies were used. most involved inhaling smoke from burning herbs, drinking mixtures of different herbal remedies. the most advanced medical people of that day believed that TB could be treated by fresh air, that was the start of the Sanatoriums. they were basically buildings out in the middle of nowhere and it was believed that the fresh air would clear the lungs. There is actually one near where I live, out in the middle of nowhere, it was built in the 1890's. it is overgrown now, and actually there is no road to get there, but I saw it while doing some hiking

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Tuesday, March 24, 2009

will a zoo or aquarium hire me even though i tested positive for tuberculosis

will a zoo or aquarium hire me even though i tested positive for tuberculosis?
i am positive for tuberculosis. my test results : PPD 5mm the doctor is not sure if i actually have tuberculosis, though if i do it's obviously inactive. i used to live in miami and that may have contributed to acquiring tuberculosis in my system through antibodies. even though i have a positive PPD test, will a zoo or aquarium still hire me? thanks.
Zoology - 2 Answers
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A positive test for tuberculosis antibodies does not absolutely preclude your being hired by an animal facility. You would need to get a chest x-ray taken to see if you have actually had the disease. If the x-ray is clear, you should still be able to get a job at a zoo or aquarium. I work at a zoo and this exact situation came up with a new keeper. She had a strong reaction to the antibody test, but with a clean x-ray she was able to work at the zoo

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Friday, March 20, 2009

What can you tell me about the medical points of tuberculosis

What can you tell me about the medical points of tuberculosis?
Please tell me what you know about tuberculosis doctors and TB victims alike it would be greatly appreciated.
Infectious Diseases - 3 Answers
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My father had TB when he was in his 30s. He used to be a nurse in a hospital and got it from a patient. He had to drive himself to the hospital when he started getting the symptoms. They thought he was a gunshot victim at first because he was spitting so much blood. he got there just in time. He got treatment and he's fine now. It's been about 20 years since that. So he doesn't actually have TB anymore but he will test positive for it for the rest of his life and he can never donate blood. Pretty scary
2 :
Does it matter that I'm NOT either one, but I can give you sound and solid information? "Tuberculosis (TB) is a contagious disease caused by bacteria that primarily infect the lungs. TB spreads when infected people cough or sneeze the bacteria into the air and others inhale the bacteria. Symptoms of active infection include a persistent cough, weight loss, fatigue, and fever. Active TB can develop immediately, many years later, or may never develop. People who are at increased risk for TB include those who are HIV-positive, homeless people, immigrants from other countries with high risk of TB, health care workers who may be exposed to people with TB, older adults, and those who inject illegal drugs. Drug treatment can cure TB, but it may take up to 6 to 12 months. To prevent TB, avoid close contact with someone who has an active TB infection. You cannot get TB by handling things an infected person has touched. If you think you've had close contact with someone with active TB, contact your doctor or local health department about a tuberculosis skin test. A tuberculosis test is a skin test for tuberculosis, not an immunization. A positive result does not necessarily mean that you have active tuberculosis (TB), but it does mean that you may have been exposed to the disease. Whether you should be tested depends on how common tuberculosis is in your area and your risk of exposure to people who have TB. If you have had a positive TB test, the test should not be repeated. Additional tests will always be positive and may cause a more severe skin reaction."
3 :
Run a search for it and find out for yourself

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Monday, March 16, 2009

Is a fully treated tuberculosis a problem for USA migration

Is a fully treated tuberculosis a problem for USA migration?
If a person planning to migrate to USA, who has completed treatment for the tuberculosis. Is it a problem?
Respiratory Diseases - 1 Answers
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It may be if you have had any exposure to TB. Check to see if there is a waver of some type

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Thursday, March 12, 2009


This might seem stupid to some people but... it's better to be safe than sorry I ate Chinese food last night, afterwards. The food wasn't very clean. I tried vomiting but, I just couldn't throw-up, came close I didn't completely ingests it, the food was partly left in the chest overnight, I woke up and my throat felt very dry and odd, my breathed smelled like urine, I feel as if the food reached my lungs caused an infection???
Respiratory Diseases - 4 Answers
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I dont know what it is, but im almost positive its not Tuberculosis.
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You cannot get TB from eating food. Breathing in droplets from someone else that has TB is how you get it. don't worry at all.
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Food and or beverages that are vomited and then inhaled into the lungs might cause and aspiration pneumonia but they cannot cause Tuberculosis unless the bacteria was on the food to begin with. TB is caused by direct person to person contact via droplet contamination such as coughing, sneezing and singing. Sometimes evein just talking if it is progressed far enough. If you made yourself vomit and you inhaled the food it will irritate the lung tissue and may cause it to swell up becoming a pneumonitis secondary to the vomiting. No offense, but if the food wasn't 'very clean' why did you eat it in the first place. Your best choice at this point in thime is to go to the doctor and have a chest x-ray taken to see if you have a pneumonia devoloping. If you do perhaps antibiotics will be ordered. If you don't have pneumonia count yourself lucky and be careful of what you eat in the future.
4 :
While TB is not transmissible through food, there are many other diseases that are. Many are due to unsanitary practices and poor food preparation. It sounds like you may have developed a case of food poisoning, gastroenteritis, or gastric reflux. Unless you lost consciousness last night or have underlying swallowing difficulties, it is unlikely that you aspirated food without knowing it. Gastric reflux can produce similar symptoms as you describe (foul taste, sore throat, bad odor, chest discomfort). In the meantime, make sure you get plenty of rest and fluids, especially if you have vomiting or diarrhea. You might even try the BRAT diet (bananas, rice, applesauce, toast) when you are able to tolerate solids. If your symptoms worsen, considering seeking medical attention

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Sunday, March 8, 2009


tuberculosis ?
i went to go get an x ray for this and the person that took it said it was clear or good. The thing is when i cough or sneezei can feel like a sting or burn in my right part of my chest wat does this mean.
Respiratory Diseases - 2 Answers
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Maybe you are coughing too hard and you're stressing your lung.
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Do you experience any other symptoms? What prompted the chest XR? If you've been coughing a lot, then it's likely that the muscles of your chest wall overwork, causing you to feel the burning. If it's a regular cold, take over-the-counter cough suppressant for your cough

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Wednesday, March 4, 2009


what r the side effect of t b r what r the signs
Respiratory Diseases - 4 Answers
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Click on this link:
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Look writing a link is a serious matter of security around here these days, perform a Yahoo! search for it or try the wikipedia site.
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4 :
coughing up blood is one

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Sunday, March 1, 2009


do people from countries with high TB rates have natural immunity from the disease so that it does't have as much chance of affecting them? idk im sorta confused about from india so when i took the skin test it said that i have it but it's "inactive"...what does that mean exactly?
Other - Diseases - 2 Answers
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There's no immunity to TB. A positive skin test means that you are infected with tuberculosis bacteria, but you don't have the disease unless there are signs/sympmtoms. The infection may get reactivated at some point in your life, but the risks aren't that high. The life-time risk of active TB disease after infection is only 10%. If you were infected more than five years ago, your risk of ever getting the disease is only 5% (unless you are immunocompromised due to AIDS, organ transplant, etc. or undergo anti-TNF therapy for rheumatoid arthritis). One third of the world population are infected with TB, and most of them will live normal lives, so don't worry! At this point, you may be offered a six-month treatment with isoniazid to clear the infection.
2 :
Most people in tropical countries get exposed to the TB bacteria during childhood and develop an resistance so that they will not get the disease. Very rarely in a person who has developed resistance, as a result of previous infection a sudden, severe infection can occur when he/she is suffering from a disease like HIV(AIDS)., which reduces your resistance. In the test which is done to test your resistance , called the Mantoux test ,a local reaction occurs ,at the site of the test and this shows that you had got a mild infection during , (probably )childhood and that you have got resistance as a result. That was what was meant by 'inactive.' To put it more simply as a child, through the air you were breathing,with the dust, some TB germs could have entered your lungs. That amount was insufficient to cause disease in you, but was sufficient to cause resistance in you so that you would not get the disease later

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