I can't find any accurate pictures of tuberculosis online. All I was able to find were some x rays of tuberculosis, but idk if they are correct either. Could anyone find me about 3 or 4 accurate pictures of tuberculosis. 10 points for best pictures.
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1 :
http://www.righthealth.com/topic/Tuberculosis_X_Ray_Pic/overview/google_imagesearch?img=6 there are some pics there hope i helped would really appreciate the 10 points
2 :
do you want just chest X-rays?? or what they are actually shaped like? http://www.allamericanpatriots.com/48744530_tuberculosis-worldwide-efforts-combat-drug-resista that is what they look like and chest x-rays: http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.topnews.in/health/files/tuberculosis-cough.jpg&imgrefurl=http://dailydose.righthealth.com/2009/01/&usg=__pJwgl9jtxFR5ygm8YUbnafxR_CM=&h=336&w=345&sz=14&hl=en&start=15&sig2=taDzZxdkhPmogLdw3eHT4A&um=1&tbnid=6BRcYqTBVMRFcM:&tbnh=117&tbnw=120&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dtuberculosis%26hl%3Den%26safe%3Dactive%26sa%3DN%26um%3D1&ei=HPseS7fvNM-mlAf8p_WjCw&safe=active sorry its really long but thats it
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