Thursday, April 24, 2008

What is the current trend in sputum AFB,is it x2 or x3,in the diagnosis of tuberculosis

What is the current trend in sputum AFB,is it x2 or x3,in the diagnosis of tuberculosis?
In confirming the diagnosis of tuberculosis,doctors used to ask for sputum AFB x3,but nowadays some are asking for x2,what is the reason why this is done?
Infectious Diseases - 1 Answers
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Hey there!! For Sputum AFB, we in India ask for three samples!! First sample is taken when they come to laboratory and then for the next sample they are given sterile container and asked to collect early morning sample of the next day. Finally, when they turn up tomorrow to submit their early morning sample, again one more sample is collected!! The reason why we collect three samples is to reduce the risk of false negatives and increase the detection!! However, some doctors prefer only two samples but the correct procedure is three and this is the recommended no by WHO for countries like India

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