Monday, April 28, 2008

what type of medicines should i take to fight the tuberculosis

what type of medicines should i take to fight the tuberculosis?
ok. i think i have an active tuberculosis. i'm not sure but i did a research on the web and found out the symptoms and it matches what i have. i have this cough for more than a month and the mucus is thick and cloudy and more other things. i know i should go to the doctor and see what's going and get medicines there but if there is a medicine out there on drug stores that can fight the tuberculosis, please let me know as soon as possible. what do you guys recommend me ?
Alternative Medicine - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
I think tests are free. Breathe fresh air.
2 :
See the doctor. You don't fight Tbc with OTC meds. You may even wind up in a special facility; it is contagious, you know. More likely you have pneumonia, but that takes the right meds, too. Don't screw around.
3 :
you must see the physician to validate if you have active TB, test like PPD and sputum exam should be done first for confirmation. TB is a very communicable disease so make an appointment to your doctor right away. Here are the list for TB drugs also read the whole concepts of TB
4 :
With a cough more than two weeks, it is more likely that you have pertussis, or whooping cough. There are many other possibilities though, so you should go to the doctor and get checked out. Over-the-counter medicines will not clear up a bacterial infection

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