Friday, June 20, 2008

My mother have Bone tuberculosis disease in her lower back bone, is this desease curable

My mother have Bone tuberculosis disease in her lower back bone, is this desease curable ?
My mother have Bone tuberculosis disease in her lower back bone, is this desease curable ? Whats the best medicine for this disease and what much time it takes to recover, she is in her initial stage right now,any information will be helpfull. Thanks.
Infectious Diseases - 3 Answers
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1 :
Tuberculosis of the spine or Pott's disease of the spine is curable as long as it's diagnosed early before its seious complications occurs...treatment is by a combination of antituberculous drugs for at least 9 -12 months.. BTW this a rare disease nowadays...could u scan the xrays and email it to
2 :
Good news , she will be fine. Tuberculosis is a curable disease. Antituberculosis medicines are available in the market and are not expensive at all particularly the primary treatment. Duration of treatment schedule depends upon the location of infection. In bone TB it may vary from 6 months to one year. For bone tuberculosis, the diagnosis depends on X-ray. Once the clinician suspects TB, the aspirate from the joint is sent for microbiological investigation for identification of the causative agent - Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The patients with tuberculosis have raised ESR. Bone TB is not contagious. TB per se is treated at home these days. The practice of isolating the patient is old, and has been discontinued. TB as such may affect any organ of the body, however, involvement of heart is extremely rare
3 :
it is. you should get her mri done. she may need operation to remove collected pus. don;t worry she will be all right. go to some good orthopedic surgeon

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