Tuesday, May 20, 2008

How does someone die from tuberculosis

How does someone die from tuberculosis?
I'm writing a story and one of the main characters is dying from tuberculosis. But that brings up the question... how does someone die from tuberculosis? I know what it is and what it does to the body, but I want to know how someone would die from it, what the person would be like in the last few stages. Sorry if this offends anyone, but please answer with as much detail as you can. I can't find this answer anywhere else!
Infectious Diseases - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
these sights shud do job Hun.................... http://edition.cnn.com/HEALTH/library/DS/00372.html
2 :
cough up blood night sweats weight loss you can also have other complications with your bones, kidney and lymph nodes basically you just waste away because your body cannot fight off the infection.
3 :
They often died of blood loss ... the infection eroded a blood vessel and they bled to death, which could be spectacularly messy and gory if your plot needs it with blood pouring out of their mouth and nose OR or just a sudden fit of coughing and falling over dead with an internal bleeding. Another way, less spectacular, was slow suffocation as the lungs became filled with the "tubercules"and the person slowly breathed less and less well and then died. The lack of oxygen was stressful to the heart, and it would just stop

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